About me

Student, parkour-enthusiant, long-time storror fan.

Following Parkour since I can remember I really started training over a year ago. While there is still a lot I can't do, that does not stop me from looking for spots that others could use for their training.

With that in mind I've been trying to find as many spots as possible in this small town called Bielefeld.

I don't think many people would argue that Bielefeld is a particularly good place for parkour. However, that does not mean it has no spots. I started this project to find out how much you can actually train here and how. And maybe at some point someone beats one or two of the spots that I think are more or less impossible.



Most important thing for Parkour: I think one of the most important things for parkour is the way you look at your surroundings, always asking yourself "What could be a way to train here? How can I use my surroundings? Is this a usable spot?" Or if all of that fails "What would Storror do?"